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The passing of Bob Punt is another significant milestone for Doncaster HF Rambling Club.

Bob was a key member of a small group of committee members who made the club an important and essential part of the lives of those who joined the group. Fortnightly coach outings to a wide range of destinations, as well as weekend stays, all with a choice of three alternative walks, became an important part of life for many members. Friendships were forged which have lasted for many years.

Bob joined the Club around 2005 and soon became involved both as a member of the committee and then as Treasurer, roles which he carried out with great enthusiasm and professionalism. Bob was also a regular walk leader throughout his time with the club, leading longer walks in the early years and shorter walks as time passed by.

For many years details for each of the three walks on offer were circulated around the coach during the outward journey which allowed members to make a choice of which walk they preferred to do. Some of you will almost certainly recollect Bob's passion for producing a detailed, informative 'walk description' which often consisted of two pages or more of A4 paper, usually highlighted in colour and fastened together with his 'trademark' small green tags. No short five liners for Bob - you were given every twist and turn in his walks, including the exact number of stiles even on one occasion when this exceeded twenty ! Those were the days.

Bob's contribution to Doncaster HF Rambling Club was immense, alongside many other 'stalwarts', some of whom are sadly no longer with us, such as Rosemarie Leetham and Dennis Neal, as well as others who no longer walk regularly with the Club.

Those of us who had the pleasure and privilege to work and walk with Bob will always remember him.